And save up to 33% on list prices!
Known quite well in the Reddit and hardcore crypto communities, but for many still an undiscovered gem.
I’m talking about Purse.
Purse is a service where you can post any product you’d like to order from Amazon, and pay it (in advance) with Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash.
Other users of the system (so-called Earners) will order the product for you and have it delivered to your doorstep.
The more orders you place, the higher your ‘level’ gets and the higher the discount you’ll get. A beginner starts at level 1, with a max of 15% discount, while the top buyers (level 6) get a discount of up to 33%.
Currently, the service is available for orders shipped to the USA, Canada or Great Britain.
For anyone living outside of these countries, give a service like Shop2Ship a try. They’ll provide you with a unique USA based address and provide many additional services. They’ll forward your shipment (with or without original invoice) to your home address.
Adding the extra costs for the re-shipment you won’t save much while being in level 1 (though you are able to order products which might normally not ship to your country), But after making a certain amount of orders your level, and with that your discount amount, will rise, up to 33%.
So, if you have some crypto coins to spare and are in need of a new phone, give it a try!